^ Programs & Scripts

🌐 kj_shugo

Hugo Logo

my VERY minimal, “no style” Hugo theme that you’re seeing right now! 🎨

✨ features

📷 screenshots

this might look a bit weird on here 😅

on desktop 🖥

scrot on desktop

on mobile 📱

scrot on mobile

← expand for more screenshots 📸

example content 📝

my programs & scripts site (aedrielkylejavier.me/programs-and-scripts)

scrot with content

my blogsite with datesinlist = true in hugo.toml (aedrielkylejavier.me/articles/)

scrot of example blogsite

a blogpost

scrot of example blogpost

light mode 💡

on desktop 🖥

scrot on desktop, light mode

on mobile 📱

scrot on mobile, light mode

🔧 usage

theme installation 🎨

hugo new site [YOUR SITE NAME]
git clone https://github.com/kj-sh604/kj_shugo.git themes/kj_shugo
# copy css to the parent directory
cp themes/kj_shugo/static/style.css static/
# copy Makefile to parent directory (for rss feed generation)
cp themes/kj_shugo/Makefile ./
# be careful with the next command(s) 
# remove the .git directory in themes/kj_shugo
rm -rf themes/kj_shugo/.git
# remove assets/ directory (not necessary for the theme)
rm -r themes/kj_shugo/assets

you can now declare theme = ['kj_shugo'] in your hugo.toml file to use the theme.

see themes/kj_shugo/hugo.toml for configuration options and parameters.

generate rss feed 🛜


Disclaimer: this Makefile originally used sed -i, which works as expected on GNU/Linux. However, I have not been able to test its behaviour on macOS or the BSDs. I have rewritten it to avoid using any OS-specific arguments (-i in this case), but it remains untested at this time. Therefore, please exercise caution when running make on these operating systems.

creating a new page 📃

hugo new content [TITLE OF WEBPAGE].md