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🪧 ProcrastiSlides v0.02 Released

procrastiSlides v0.02 has been released! Click here to try it out! This release adds some notable updates to the site, including the long-promised addition of 16:9 themes, bug fixes, and performance improvements achieved through some code refactoring. I’ve also updated the documentation to include all the dependencies that you would need to host your own instance of procrastiSlides.

procrastiSlides v0.02

New 16:9 Themes

In response to the shift towards modern presentation formats, I have decided to include 16:9 themes in this release. Nowadays, presentations are often viewed on 16:9 screens during online meetings or displayed on classroom TVs, deviating from the more traditional VGA-based projectors that were prevalent during my generation.

Here are the new themes introduced in this release:

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Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements

procrastiSlides v0.02 updated info page

This release comes with noteworthy performance improvements and bug fixes resulting from extensive code refactoring.

Being relatively new to PHP when I initially developed the site, I ended up with a fair amount of redundant code that could have been simplified into reusable functions. Thanks to recently getting a bit better at PHP 😅, procrastiSlides now operates at its full potential with up to 20% better performance.

I hope y’all find procrastiSlides v0.02 useful 😌.

Main instance: procrastiSlides.com

Wrongfully encouraging procrastination with procrastiSlides! 😆