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🌐 Personal Portfolio Website Redesign

Today, I had some time to redesign my personal website 😌. I aimed to decrease the clutter and streamline the user viewing experience.

I am a big fan of no-bloat webpages, as I’ve noticed modern websites tend to use a lot of unnecessary fluff. This leads to slower page load times and increased CPU usage on the client-side, due to the use of large CSS libraries and redundant JavaScript execution. I am passionate about web access in third-world/developing countries, where bandwidth can be limited. This is why I prefer to build useful and functional yet minimal websites.

The overall footprint of the site is only 0.96 MiB, and yes, that includes the pictures and other graphics on the page. It uses “sane” CSS written from scratch and “librΓ©” JavaScript.

I felt the original Web 1.0-inspired design of the site looked very dated. So, I decided to redesign it with a focus on modern mobile devices while still keeping its old-school Web 1.0 simplicity in terms of construction. I also focused on needed improvements to navigability and viewer experience πŸ‘πŸ½.

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